
Traject Bio/Art - Sessie 4

  • 🗓️  17 oktober 2024
  • ⏰  18:30 tot 21:30
  • 📍  Nerdlab
  • 🏷️  Reserveren
  • 💶  Gratis
  • 🔗  Traject Bio/Art

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De laatste jaren openden nieuwe microscoop technieken een heel nieuwe wereld in de microbiologie. Tijdens het traject Bio/Art gaan we deze nieuwe dimensies niet alleen verkennen, we kijken hoe we er creatief aan de slag mee kunnen gaan. Elke bijeenkomst werken we rond een ander thema en met een andere techniek. Robert Kumpf leidt met zijn PhD in biologie het traject in goeie banen. De uitkomst wordt een wonderkamer vol inspirerende objecten op Mutation Festival!


In recent years, new microscope techniques opened up a whole new world in microbiology. During the Bio/Art trajectory, we will not only explore these new dimensions, we will learn how to work with them creatively. Each meeting we will work around a different theme and with a different technique. Robert Kumpf, with his PhD in biology, keeps us all on track. The outcome will be a 'Wunderkammer' full of inspiring objects at Mutation Festival!


Traject Bio/Art gaat door op 8 donderdag avonden:
19/9, 26/9, 10/10, 17/10, 24/10, 31/10, 7/11, 14/11, 21/11 
Telkens van 18:30 - 21:30 in Nerdlab.

Er is geen voorkennis vereist. Wel goesting om bij te leren over biologie en samen aan de slag te gaan met diverse creatieve technieken.

Thema's die aan bod komen zijn ondermeer: Genetica, epigenetica, mutaties, celbiologie, fysiologie, ecologie, microbiomen en diversiteit. Die gaan we te lijf met onze lasercutter, 3D printer en verschillende andere technieken. 



The Bio/Art trajectory takes place on 8 Thursday evenings:
19/9, 26/9, 10/10, 17/10, 24/10, 31/10, 7/11, 14/11, 21/11 
Each time from 18:30 - 21:30 in Nerdlab.

No prior knowledge is required. Just an eagerness to learn about biology and work together with various creative techniques.

Topics covered include: Genetics, epigenetics, mutations, cell biology, physiology, ecology, microbiomes and diversity. We will tackle these using laser cutting, 3D printing and many other techniques.


19.09 - The Art of Biology

Introducing Biology and tools and techniques available during the trajectory supporting your idea about Biology into Art to find a finalization within the “Wonderkammer”.

26.09 - Genetics, Epigenetics and Evolution

A short introductory talk before a discussion about the talk, Q&A among us with your ideas of Genetics and Evolution, break, concentrated focus into art installation of our thoughts.

10.10 - Cell Biology and Morphology

Introducing MorphoGraphX and my research, from Darwin till Morphology, 3D printing. An example. The growing plant as a time-lapse life-example with the story of plant and the hidden secrets.

17.10 - Physiology and Ecology

Our ecosystem and our bodies are closely tied, in this session we will hear and discuss about symbiotic, parasitic and other life forms of co- existence.
Speaker to be confirmed. AI as an artistic tool introduced by Immuno Sketches

24.10 - Micro-Macro-Biome

We are what we eat. A closer look to our food and our stomach and how we influence it. A look into our fascinating co-existence with many organisms we need to live.

Speaker Theresa Furay May (tbc)

31.10 - Visiting BioLab 

In this optional session we visit the BioLab by Angela Pisani in Ghent

07.11 - Why we need Diversity to avoid inbreed

Inbreed has a long history in human development of itself but also within the society. Here we will explore the need of diversity for a healthy population.

Speaker Ive de Smet (tbc)

14.11 - Integration of the individual artistic projects into a Wunderkammer

Bringing all trials and attempts together to presentation within the “Wonderkammer”

21.11 - Set-up of the collaborative installation for Mutation Festival

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